Their only drop is slime balls, a necessary component for sticky pistons and certain potions. They can only be found in the bottom 40 layers of a map, meaning if you want access to their drops you will have to find a cave system very far down. I would recommend level 20 as the preferred level. Upon death or seeing the player the slime will do several things. All of the slimes will, upon sight, move toward and attempt to attack the player. But the small ones can deal no damage. Upon death, the larger slimes will drop nothing, but instead break up into smaller slimes. These smaller slimes drop slime balls.
A disclaimer when slime ball hunting, do not use swords. Killing for example a medium slime, may do so much damage the small slime that drop the slime balls can't spawn, netting you zero slime balls. I would recommend possibly using a stone sword on the biggest level, but after that use your fists and back up to avoid being hit so you don't overkill the slime.